Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's only July!

I'm feeling pretty fancy today! I got a lot of school stuff accomplished and its only July!! Granted, tomorrow is August, but still...

We have a new all-school theme again this year and it is a lot of fun to work with so far. Working in a K-6 building, a good theme has to be cute for the little kids but still have some cool factor for the big kids. "County Fairs & Farms" seems to fit the bill perfectly!

This is my new noise chart for the kids to earn points. 
Noise Chart
Last year, I just had words and it worked great. This year, I found adorable graphics from Lettering Delights and stacked the farm animals on top of a barn. So cute!! The idea is that each class starts on "Ready to Learn" and if working quietly, can move up to "Amazing" or if working too loudly, can move down to "Try Again Next Time". Rarely do I have a group that isn't motivated by climbing this chart!

Ready to Learn in Art Class

Another thing I can cross off my to-do list is making all the headlines for my bulletin boards. I know many of my web coworkers out there in cyberspace draw everything by hand and HUGE applause for those teachers, right? But for me, I love a really good font so I type/resize/print out my titles and cut them all out. Here's the newest pile of letters ready to go back to school.
Let the bulletin boards begin!

I've got more to do of course, but for now, a glass of iced tea is calling my name!

Happy Almost-August!

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